Kill Yourself Fabric Print
°The blood moon is rising once again. This only means one thing. The cycle is complete, a new one is afoot. Your previous you is getting darker, set to fail you. In through the new cycle, a new you must go. Kill your old self. Let your new self emerge from the losses and blood of the old one. Kill Your Self.
°Heavy Cloth Poster
°Off-Black Color with Bone White & Maroon Red Ink print
°Approximately 34.5 cm X 41.5 cm (13.6 inch X 16.3 inch)
°Dimensions vary from item to item because we were not strict when cutting it, we are DIY like that
°Ideal for decorating your walls and letting your visitors know that you mean business
°Also ideal for sewing on your denim war vest
.: Stay Filthy and Kill your Self :.